Posts Tagged With: end of a era

End of an era!

Hi all,

It is with great sadness we are blogging today to tell you all that as of the end of this month we will not be continuing the Crafting Ireland blog.

You may know that we had discontinued the magazine format at the start of the year as it was taking too much time and cost for something we run as a fun hobby. We had hoped that by reducing the amount of workload we would be able to keep going for longer. But unfortunately we have had to make the difficult decision to wrap up the blog. For both Timi and myself life has just gotten too hectic with work, family and other stuff going on – you all know how it is. So rather than decrease on the quality on the blog and produce something we are not happy with, we have decided to wrap it all up.

We are very sad to see it come to this stage, we will miss working with our amazing design team on the blog posts every month, and seeing creations inspired by their work. We could not have gotten this far without them so from the bottom of our hearts we want to say a huge thank you to our design team members (both past and present) that made Crafting Ireland a reality. You ladies are all so talented and we know we will keep seeing you in the crafting world!!

As for our readers- we would not have come this far without you guys. Your constant readership and support are what have kept us going for so long. We intend to leave the blog, the Pinterest and the website up as archives of all the tutorials produced over the two years we have been working on this. You will be able to view all the content and see instructions on any projects you choose. In a few weeks we will turn off commenting however just so we don’t keep getting notifications to admin them.

We have a few posts lined up over the next few days to wrap up the month with so we will say good bye properly before the end of the month. But for now thank you all for being so amazing,

Happy crafting,

Nicole & Timi

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