Altered Decopatch Impala

Altered Decopatch Impala by Aideen Fallon

So I spotted this Impala on and had to buy him for my friend Emily as a present-she loves Nordic goodies and I thought I could alter him up to make him a really nice piece for her wall.

project 1

Isn’t he lovely-I was so excited to alter this guy and to hear what Emily thinks!!

So for the first step I painted him white all over with my paint dabber in snow cap. Then using music note tissue paper again from Cardznscrapz I covered just his head and ears using matte multi medium.

project 2

At this point I knew I was going to love this guy!

Next up I decided I would like to do something with the antlers or are they horns?? Anyways I applied mod podge all over them and coated them with glitter-I think you can see it in this pic.

project 3

Next up I asked my husband who is a carpenter to make me a mount board and again I gave it a coat of snow cap!!

project 4

Ok so the board is a little too plain as we need Mr Impala to stand out from the background-so I covered it with paper from this Kaisercraft base coat paper pad-again from CardznScrapz.

project 5

Also mounted things like this normally have a metal plaque-so hello Mr Tim Holtz-again I added snow cap to this metal word stick and then wiped it with a baby wipe so the paint was only left in the words to make them stand out.

project 6

And then it was just a matter of gluing it all together and I used E6000 (CardznScrapz) to adhere everything down. I also inked up the edges of the mount board with black just to give it more definition against Mr Impala. A Tim Holtz metal clip for a hanger and some ribbon from my stash and there you have him!!!

project 7

project 8 project 9

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2 thoughts on “Altered Decopatch Impala

  1. This is quite unique! Your friend will fall in love with the Impala.

  2. Lia

    that is brilliant Aideen …love it .